Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Works Cited

Below are the list of articles and research that were cited throughout the course of the blog.  Each citation is also included in the blog post which directly relates to the reference and resource material

Works Cited

“Are schools responsible for the prison pipeline?”. (2007). American School Board Journal, 194(4), pp. 19.
Au, K.H., Raphael, T.E., & Mooney, K.C.  (2008).  What we have learned about teacher education to improve literacy achievement in urban schools.  Improving literacy achievement in urban schools: Critical elements in teacher preparation (pp. 159-184).  International Reading Association.
Caravette, L.  (2011). “Portrait of the reader as a young child”.  Children & librarians: The journal of the association for library service to children, 9(2), pp. 52-57.
Clemmitt, M. (2008).  Reading crisis? Do today’s youth read less than past generations?  In CQ Researcher, Issues in K-12 education (pp. 281-304).  Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Fountas, I.C. & Pinnell G.S.  (1999). Matching books to readers, Using leveled books in guided reading, K-3.  Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Press.
Morrison, F.J., Bachman, H.J., & Connor, C.M.  (2005). Improving literacy in America.  Improving literacy in America (pp. 173-184).  New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Morrison, F.J., Bachman, H.J., & Connor, C.M.  (2005). Sociocultural factors.  Improving literacy in America (pp. 19-42).  New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Morrison, F.J., Bachman, H.J., & Connor, C.M.  (2005). The “perfect educational storm”.  Improving literacy in America (pp. 155-170).  New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Ravitch, D. (2000).  Left back: A century of battles over school reform.  New York: Touchstone. 
UNDP (2009).  Overcoming barriers: Human mobility and development.  URL: http://hdr.undp.org/en/media/HDR_2009_EN_Complete.pdf
UNESCO (2011).  Adult and youth literacy.  UNESCO Institute for Statistics.  URL: http://www.uis.unesco.org/FactSheets/Documents/FS16-2011-Literacy-EN.pdf
Winn, M.T. & Behizadeh, N.  (2011). “The right to be literate: Literacy, education, and the school-to-prison pipeline”.  Review of research in education, 35 (1), pp. 147-173. 

1 comment:

  1. I found the article by Chris O. very helpful, and insightful. The stages of literacy development was well articulated that I wouldn't have asked for more. His ideas have helped me coordinate my work and I credited him for that. thanks Chris. I wish you all the best. Ifeyinwa David-Ojukwu (ifeyinwa.david-ojukwu@unn.edu.ng)
