Thursday, October 13, 2011


Hello and welcome to my blog dedicated to ending childhood illiteracy.  In this blog, I will research the topic of childhood illiteracy in detail specifically looking at the questions below: 
1) What is the current illiteracy rate among children in America and how does it compare to children in other countries?
2) What are barriers that exist for children with regard to literacy?
3) What are the current policies and pedagogies used to teach children to read?
4) How can teachers best support children and encourage literacy?  What practices or pedagogies exist to encourage literacy?

In addition, I will look at childhood illiteracy from various perspectives including historically and sociologically.  Childhood illiteracy is a problem in our educational system and one that must be fixed.  This topic is significant to me because I hope to work in early childhood education, specifically pre-K to 3rd grade.  This is the time when students should acquire the skills to become independent readers.  However, many of them are not and I want to understand why students are struggling with literacy in our country today.  If students do not acquire these skills, they often become disadvantaged within the public school system and end up contributing to the achievement gap.

Reading is an integral skill for members of our society and it is my hope that all students in the public education system learn to read.  Through this blog, I will examine the causes and trends in childhood illiteracy and hopefully discover new insights into solutions or literacy pedagogy.   

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